Sunday 2 September 2012

Ethics and Values

Ethics provides the guidelines/principles of correction action based on models of ethical reasoning; deontology/utilitarianism/virtue ethics. Academic discussions in ethics revolve around considerations of what is the “right thing” to do.
 Value is of inherent (intrinsic) worth and quality of a thing or an idea. Anything can have value to us including a ‘pair of dress’ or a ‘set of mobile phone’ that we posses. However, these are items that do not inherently carry any moral aspect. These are considered as instrumental value. We will limit to values that have a moral and ethical aspect to it. In this sense values are almost same as virtues. 
 Six fundamental widely shared moral values:

These values are in some sense outcomes of ethical theorization. For example, respect is a value/virtue based in the philosophy of deontology; similarly compassion is a virtue in virtue ethics etc.

Glossary of terms used:
Intrinsic: good in itself/ naturally good/ not conditioned on anything outside to be good.
Instrumental: good for achieving/attaining something else

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